This essential of supervision and management series is designed to provide a strong foundation in the principles of supervisory management for managers at all organizational levels. Persons new to management as well as seasoned professionals will find attendance especially beneficial. New managers will find the unique balance of knowledge, skills and strategies in the areas needed to effectively and efficiently supervise others a must have; while experienced managers will benefit from exposure to new trends and development in the field. Those aspiring to become managers and supervisors should also prioritize participation to enhance their readiness to take advantage of any available management opportunity. The series of courses focuses on key topics, critical to supervisory management success. Some topics covered include time management, communication, delegating, performance appraisal, conflict resolution, goal setting, leadership, planning and much more. The series is an ideal blend of theory and practice that allows participants to immediately apply their knowledge and instantly become more effective in the performance of their jobs.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this series of courses, participants will be able to
1. Describe the roles and functions of supervisors and managers
2. Explain the leadership role of managers and supervisors
3. Understand why effective communication is critical
4. Describe the management cycle: planning, organizing, leading, controlling (POLC)
5. Set specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely (SMART) organizational goals
6. Describe different management styles
7. Understand the need to keep employees motivated
8. Detail effective time management strategies
9. Understand the benefits of delegating
10. Assess performance and give objective feedback
11. List tactics for dealing with difficult behaviors.
12. Describe strategies for building and leading strong, effective teams